Tampa Bay Lightning


The goal is to create exciting, dynamic and looping animations to enhance the live game experience of a Tampa Bay Lightning Hockey Game. It is also required to select an event to promote in animations. Deliverables are 3 screen ratios; a main, side and ribbon screen.



The event I wanted to move forward with was Hockey Fights Cancer. The goal of this event is to inspire hope and courage for those living with, going through or moving past cancer. November is HFC month and all of the NHL teams celebrate in their own way. The color used to represent this event is lavender because it represents all cancer.


The concept on the left is called Electric and the one on the right is called Glitch. Electric is inspired by the Tesla Coil found in the arena. My plan for the animation is to have the logo revealed as if it was conducted by electricity. For Glitch, I planned on having the logo reveal be glitched on and off, but having two environments being shown.



Motion Tests


First Pass Animation

After looking at both concepts, we decided to move forward with concept 01, Electric. The challenge now was to emphasize Hockey Fights Cancer more because using the color lavender isn’t clear enough. So, for the first pass of animation the notes I applied were to make the logo bigger, add typography that showcases HFC more and put it in a mockup.


Second Pass Animation

For the second pass animation, the notes for the main animation that were applied were to scale up the logo so that it breaks the frame. Also adjusting the ending so that the animation loops quicker and never has a still frame. Along with enhancing more of the reveal by adding more glows and adding Hockey Fights Cancer in the background. For the ribbon animation we decided to fill in the words '“hockey” and “cancer” and when they animate off have them go away first so the audience can focus on “fight.”


Final Animation

For the final animation, the concept behind the logo animation in the main and side screen is to have this electric, energetic feel. Electricity representing the team itself, the Tesla Coil in the arena, and the energetic feel the crowd portrays; but, it also ties back to HFC and how radiation therapy gives cancer patients a boost and helps them to keep fighting. For the ribbon screen the words “Hockey Fights Cancer” are displayed and animated similar like the jumbotron, but, when the type goes away we decided to have FIGHT(s) be emphasized more as a reminder to keep fighting.

Audio credit goes to: Sound Effects Factory for Crowd SFX, Hadwin Channel for Electricity SFX, and Techno Mania for other SFX


Main Screen Animation

2304 x 1296 px

Side Screen Animation

922 x 1296 px

Ribbon Screen Animation

1536 x 128 px


Vice Media

